Monday, December 17, 2012


My dad called me and this is the conversation we had  (reminder my family is a little crazy):
Dad: I had a good trip visiting my sister and Mom in LA.
Me: That's exciting .
Dad: expect for Grandma.
Me: Oh yeah.
Dad: Yeah she got herself constipated.
Me: Oh yeah.
Dad: Yeah it was really bad we had to take her to the hospital to get her manually cleaned out.
Me: You didn't need to share that.
Dad:  I could have told you more.

1. Um Gross why does my family insist on over sharing.
2. How does on chose to be constipated
3. I need a new family who has a desire to share less.
Happy Monday

Friday, December 14, 2012

By Dradle you mean...

While at Walmart (you should not be surprised) I had the following conversation with an employee:
Me "Excuse me miss do you have any Dradles?"
Walmart "Whats a Dradle?"
Me "The game kids play at  Hanukkah"
Walmart "Ohhhhh, you mean that candle thing."
Me "Not exactly"
1. I  wish is this is where the conversation ended but it went on to her asking why anyone would want something Hanukkah related (this makes me sad)
2.  Yes by game I mean the candle thing, I would like the children to run around with a flaming candle.  Lets see how long it takes before we burn the house down.
3. Dradle = small top kids use to bet chocolate , Menorah =  a nine branched candelabrum lit during Hanukkah. 

Ponies in the Dorms

As I have said before I work with college students.  One of them turned this in about the building he lives. 
"This hall is a great place to live.  You can make great friends with the ponies who live around you and your roommate, if you have one.  I really like the casual atmosphere here too.  I don’t feel like I live in a public dorm with a bunch of strangers.  That’s how casual it feels.  The ponies here are very friendly and won’t mind helping each other out.  The events held here are amazing as well. "
- I didn't know we were housing ponies  here this university
- This would explain the large amount of noise violations from this area ponies do make lots of noise 
- Clearly we need to better educate our children if they cant tell the difference between a 18 year old person and a young horse.